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The Building Blocks Of Your First Home

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Taking the plunge and deciding to build your first house is a very exciting decision and is the start of a big adventure. You will learn a lot and shed a lot of sweat, tears and blood in the process, but at the end of the experience, if you are successful, it will all be worth it to see your dream home realised. The best way to ensure that you are successful is to get familiar with the basics and build on your knowledge as you go along the journey, so here are some of the most common construction practices that you will encounter on your build.


Before construction can get underway, you need to get in touch with the people who can help plan your dream on paper so that there is a blueprint to follow. Architects provide a service that you cannot do yourself and are a must to make sure that what you are doing is safe, logistically possible and cost-effective. The most important phase in this part of your first home's construction is finding an architect who shares your vision for the property, Do not simply employ the first architect that you come into contact with or think that using a bigger firm is always better. Do your own due diligence, research your local architectural services and conduct some face-to-face interviews. If you find someone who shares your enthusiasm for the house, then you should proceed with the planning stage.

Ready-Mixed Concrete

Ready-mixed concrete often forms the foundation of your home, as many structures are supported by a base slab of concrete. While some houses use concrete for more than that—and there is nothing wrong with that if that is your design—most use ready-mixed concrete primarily for structural reasons. Ready-mixed concrete specifically refers to concrete that is provided to you by a third party contractor who mixes and pours the concrete for you. The benefit of employing a ready-mixed concrete contractor is that they do all the heavy lifting when it comes to the exact ratios and the mixing process so that there is no margin for error. On your first construction site it is very important to learn how to delegate tasks that you simply don't have the experience to do yourself, so hiring a ready-mixed concrete contractor is a must. 

Electrical Work 

When your house is nearing completion, it will be time to start putting the finishing touches in it that make it a modern home. That means you need an electrician. This is a very important part of the build and a point where some people can relax with the finish line in sight. However, you should remain vigilant and make sure that you get exactly what you want out of your contracted electrician. This mainly means make sure that you have ample power outlets, that they are situated correctly in purpose-built rooms (you do not want power outlets in awkward places that force you to have your TV in an awkward position or a kitchen appliance in the wrong area) and that they are all safely installed. Ask your construction contractor if they have any recommended electricians if you are struggling to find a trustworthy one.
