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Top Tips for Pumping Concrete Safely

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There are several ways of delivering concrete to a project site. However, concrete pumping is arguably the fastest and most economical strategy. The process involves delivering concrete where it is needed via a pressurised piping system. Concrete pumping is the preferred option for multistorey construction projects. However, concrete pumping requires professionalism for safety reasons. This article highlights tips in this regard.

Scan Site for Overhead Obstacles

One of the first things that a contractor must do when preparing for concrete pumping is to scan the area for overhead obstacles. Overhead obstructions such as power lines and trees contribute largely to concrete pumping mishaps. Finding out the lowest height of overhead obstacles helps in choosing the right spot to deliver concrete. Consequently, you avoid potential accidents by ensuring that a pump hose stays clear of obstructions. It also allows you to find the shortest possible route for concrete delivery.

Safely Unlock Coupling

A thorough inspection of concrete pumping equipment is crucial for optimal performance. The last thing you want is to present faulty equipment and risk workers' lives. Concrete pipe couplings are particularly vital since they help in joining several pipes to achieve the desired length. As such, concrete couplings need regular adjusting to ensure that connected lines remain firmly attached. However, concrete workers should avoid unlocking concrete pipe couplings while a pump is still operational. Since couplings can spring on employees under pressure and cause severe injuries.

Avoid Clogged Pipes Under Pressure

Concrete pumps work by delivering slurry under high pressure to ensure that it reaches a project site. Over time, concrete dries inside the tubing and might cause clogging, hindering efficient delivery. When you discover a clog along a pipe, it is essential to stay clear of the opening. The pressure can spew clog debris such as small rocks towards you and cause serious injuries. You should also keep a safe distance when unclogging a pipe because the clearing sponge presents a dangerous projectile under high pressure.

Don't Hold Clogged Hoses Under Pressure

Holding a concrete pump pipe to listen to echoes and signs of clogging is a common practice among concrete workers. However, this should only be done if the tube is depressurised. The reason is that a pressurised concrete pipe can easily jerk away from your grip and violently throw you to the ground. Therefore, when preparing to unclog a concrete tube, always ensure that the pump is off. It depressurises the pipe, which enhances safety.

Reach out to a professional for more information about concrete pumping
